We are living in a world that is ever changing. The lives of the people are changing just with the blink of the eye, with the globalization the line between need and greed changing so fast that it has become a matter of pressing concern for many people. We are in constant race with who we don’t even know. First we are forced to get a standard education that will lead us to a job, that will again lead us to a settled life with marriage and then a house, car and the list is never ending. It’s like a cycle that is going on and on without an end. A constant fear takes over us, we ourselves don’t know the way out of this vicious cycle. And with the social media the pressure of having an ideal life is killing us almost.
If we can take a pause for a moment and start to think, were we this from the birth?; crippled in fear, unhappy souls, negative mindset and caught up is many mental illness? Were we like this? The answer is simple, No we were not this person of today when we were born. We were free, fun filled, fearless child when we took birth, we only used to respond to our cardinal issues like, hunger, nature’s call and that’s it.
Then we started to be conditioned, first conditioning starts from parents, then relatives, then school, then society and they didn’t stop until we became a robot in the hands of all of them. But here is the good news, everything that has happened can be erased, we no longer have to be paralyzed by fear, rather now we would learn and at the same time would make other learn about how we can feel energized by the fear that we face on daily basis by practicing hypnotism through NLP India. Anjali Dubey a master trainer of hypnotism will teach us all who are willing to change their lives for the better the
details of hypnotism.
With over two decades of practicing hypnotism, Anjali Dubey not only healed people from severe addictions, mental illness but gave them perspective of life, meaning of life, a second chance to live a meaningful life through his experiences and expertise, that he secretly possessing for years and now spreading awareness through various classes. His goal is to make more and more hypnotherapists in the world who can heal people, heal the world in order to make a better world for living.
The end result of the hypnosis course that is conducted by
NLP India is interesting to look at from the point of view of the individual who attended the course. The course gives successful result as it brings the desired shift in the client’s feelings/behavior. The internal processes the client goes through now to produce the new feelings will now help the person to face the reality from ground zero level, we will be able find out their internal imagery has shifted in huge level. After attending the master course with NLP India, and completing the course the individual will be awarded the certificate of trainer, it will help him/her to teach others and create a difference in lives of people as well as society.