Named after Milton Erickson, a famous American psychiatrist, who was extensively modelled by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the creators of NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Erickson always wanted to meet the patient at the patient's level, thereby gaining their support and confidence. As mutual trust is developed between the two, he slowly altered the patient's productions by covert suggestions, thereby gaining control over the patient by not pushing him. In this manner, he is able to change a chaotic psychotic hallucination into an orderly hypnotic one, or the helpless cries of a terminal cancer patient into hypnotic anaesthesia.
Dr. Erickson found that subtle approach could result in therapeutic behavioural change. He preferred to talk with his clients very candidly using metaphors, contradictions, symbols, and antidotes to influence their behaviour rather than giving commands.
Ericksonian hypnosis differs from the main line of hypnosis in the fact that there is no deliberate induction of the trance state or in simple words trance is not forced. Trance is induced and used by skillfully use of language patterns designed to create a relaxed and trance state in another person.
In NLP India we have initiated this course where we will take an overview of hypnosis in general and look at the specific difference in approach of Ericksonian conversational hypnosis and the more traditional hypnotic techniques.
We will delve deeply into the language patterns of Milton Erickson and the methods he used in his patients to get better by getting them into and out of trance smoothly, effortlessly and in most cases without commanding, directing and actually without the patient even knowing he/she was in trance in the first place.
It can be summarized as Erickson's therapeutic approaches can be divided into three categories. The first technique is about resembling modern behaviour therapy, with frequent use of desensitization. The second technique involves uncovering or reactive techniques are only rarely used for patients who are rigid, resistant and having severe symptom patterns. With these types of patients, extreme care is taken to protect against too rapid a disclosure to conscious awareness. A third and most important technique is to enable the patient to shift or convert large amounts of emotional toxins from his original problem to some new constructive outlets, usually involving the development of trusting interpersonal relationships. These techniques are the cornerstone of Erickson's therapeutic technique.
Once you take up this course you will figure out the difference between authoritative and compassionate induction of trance in patients. This specialized coursed with NLP India and under the guidance of Anjali Dubey will take you to a deeper level of understanding of the way trance states can be used in a therapeutic situation. We will also explore the use of these language patterns in the business world and how the language of hypnotic influence is everywhere either being use deliberately or be default.
• This course gives you a whole new language of influence and a way of speaking that make people take notice.
• You will understand using the language patterns you help people understand better
• This is the language used by powerful people everywhere.
• Become more aware of your subconscious mind and learn how to speak directly to another person’s sub-conscious
• Know how to create and use embedded commands.
• Learn how to break habits with hypnosis patterns