“Employee life cycle Management”
This is an interesting title and immediately takes me back to my earlier days. When I was a young man the HR post was known as the personal officer. This was a person that you felt good to go to and discuss your problems with. These problems were not only work based they were also problems to do with your home or personal life. These personal officers were considered friends that would help you with your problems and were not considered ‘spy’s’ of the company but genuine people to help you.
It seems to me that the HR team nowadays is not concerned so much with the well-being of the workers from a home perspective and as such sometimes people are not prepared to discuss their home problems for fear of it affecting their work position.
In fact, nothing should be further from the troth. To be able to maintain a long life cycle with the employee his home and personal problems have to be addressed. A lot of these problems can be loosely described as problems with values.
The fact is, that the only reason why an employer will leave your employ is if he feels another employer will service his values better. Alternatively, the employee feels his values are being violated.
As Values work on an unconscious (or subconscious) level neither the employee or employer have a full understanding of this.
One aspect of NLP is to deal with Values. Firstly, by understanding what is important to the employee by a process of ‘elicitation of their values’. Secondly, by a process of aligning the person’s values to that of the organization. Note the use of the word aligning, not changing, installing or removing any values – just aligning them.
People have a different set of values for all areas of their lives. These values are pinned to a set of core values that spread across all areas of your life.
So to help people maintain a long lifecycle with your company you, as the HR professional, need to understand the employees at a greater depth.
Values, although being very important, are not the only things to address so that you can manage your staff’s working life cycle. We all know that it is much better (and considerable cheaper) to improve our employees than to replace them. Improve by understanding, listening and providing all required trainings. Improve by helping the worker to address issues they may have at home. The issues may be with relationships, friends, neighbors, children or spouse. This problem list is endless. To get the best out of employees their issues have to be handled with care, trust and a real intention to help the person grow.
HR staff trained in NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming are far better equipped to help staff deal with all the everyday problems that the workers face every day of their lives. In NLP we have many techniques to help people deal with problems of all types. WE do not consider these as a quick fix, more as a real understanding of how the brain works which enables you to permanently change your thinking to arrive at a different and more required outcome.
Remember Einstein said: to continue doing what you do and expect a different outcome is madness.
NLP says:
If you always do what you always did.
You will always get what you always got.
So if you want something different.
Do something different.