Of all the nature’s wonders, what has amazed me (and continues to amaze) the most is the human brain. Even after years and years of scientific research, we still know so less about it. And even this “less” has been immensely helpful in the advance of civilization. Functioning of human brain, is one area that has fascinated me from the beginning. Maybe that’s what first attracted me towards Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (or NLP as it is often called in short) is one of the most recent and potent tool at mankind’s disposal, enabling them to become a master of communication. Just communication! You may ask. But this is not the kind of communication we come across in the regular world. It goes much beyond than that. For it constitutes the communication you have with yourself. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an art as well as a science of gaining an insight on how one communicates with oneself. Now most of these communications one has with one’s brain, is unconsciously done, and contrary to what we may like to believe only a small part is conscious. However it is this “unconscious” part of ours that affects our environment i.e. our outer world. What Neuro Linguistic Programming does is teach you the language that can be easily understood by your brain. No sentences lost in translation, no mixed signals, a WIN-WIN for all.
Now let me break this “NLP” down for you. N in the NLP stands for Neuro aka the neurological system. Neuro-Linguistic Programming’s mechanisms are based on the principle that one experiences the external world through one’s senses. Hence the neurological system processes the sensory information, based on which we experience the world and modulate our behavior.
L is for Linguistic, which I believe to be an exciting part of NLP. It basically represents the analysis of how our words can formulate our experiences.
Lastly Programming is what P is for, completing the NLP puzzle and refers to a certain set of instructions/directives that we either consciously or unconsciously give to our brain.
Neuro Linguistic Programming is simply delving deep into understanding these there i.e. N L and P and building yourself a life that you have always imagined. I have done that. I have helped many others achieve that. And I hope to make NLP available to many more, in times to come.