NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming a process for improving communications. Improving communication with other people. More importantly, improving communication with yourself. We are driven by our subconscious or unconscious mind. This is your part of your brain that you are totally unaware of. NLP is, of course, much more than that, much, much more.
NLP was put together in the mid-1970 ’s by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It has been added to and greatly refined over the intervening years to what it is today. NLP is a tool that will enhance whatever you do. NLP has wide acceptance and use in various specific industries including but not limited to – training, entertainment, sales, doctors of all sorts, senior management and anybody that wants to grow and get better in our modern world.
Many famous people have studied NLP including top entertainers, politicians and SEO’s and maybe, soon, you.
NLP is lead by a series of presuppositions or a list of rule or acceptances which if we live by and fully understand will make our lives and the lives of those around us much more comfortable and easy to live day by day.
NLP is taught in easy to understand levels starting with the Certified Practitioner of NLP. This is run as a five-day programme here in India along with a substantial home study kit. This kit consisting of 16 audio CDs and a substantial printed manual. After completing the NLP Practitioner you are now qualified to either move on to a higher level or move over to NLP Coaching or NLP psychotherapy.
The next NLP level is called the Certified NLP Master Practitioner a 12-day programme and is a more advanced level of NLP and this level will complete your formal training in the art and science of NLP. The successful completion of this level will enable you to take the formal Trainers Training a 14-day intensive training to be able to then run your own training at Certified Practitioner and Certified Master Practitioner level.
The NLP Trainers Training is the pathway to become a Master Trainer of NLP an Accolade of the finest NLP trainers around. This is an honorary award given to only the very best trainers of NLP.
We certify our NLP programmes through ANLP (India) and the ECNLP. ANLP (India) is The Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming India and is the foremost standing setting organisation in India with many thousand members. see
The ECNLP stands for the European Community for NLP a Europe wide alliance of NLP Trainers and a standards-setting organisation.
NLP India - International Institute Of NLP and NLP India - International Institute Of NLP run all the NLP certified programmes and many of the NLP based programmes.
So contact us now for more information. You can call on +91-9920168859 or email us on or chat with us on WhatsApp on the above number. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.