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NLP Training Academy - Excellence in NLP

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NLP Training Academy - Excellence in NLP

NLP Training Academy, when you think of these words only one company comes to mind in the Indian sub-continent and that is NLP India - International Institute Of NLP see their website www.nlpindia.net

NLP India - International Institute Of NLP has been established in India for the past 15 years and is the pioneer company for NLP in India. Over the years NLP India - International Institute Of NLP and International Institute Of NLP Mumbai has made over 100 fully certified Trainers of NLP.
NLP Training Academy is also the name used by NLP India - International Institute Of NLP to run the ony Indian based 14 days certified trainer of NLP. Until NLP India - International Institute Of NLP with International Institute Of NLP Mumbai started running these programmes an aspiring trainer had to go to Europe of the USA to get qualified in NLP

We accredit trainers through ANLP (India) and ECNLP. This is the Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming India and the European Community of Neuro Linguistic Programming. These certificates being internationally recognised.

NLP Training Academy also certifies practitioners and Master Practitioners of NLP throughout India.

For more information on NLP and allied subjects please call International Institute Of NLP on +91-9920168859 or email us at anjalithecoach@gmail.com.

We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon

If you always do what you always did….
You will always get what you always got….
So if you want something different…..
You must do something different.
NLP is different