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Top NLP Certification Company in India

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Top NLP Certification Company in India

NLP Certification refers to the validity of the certificates issued by NLP India - International Institute Of NLP and NLP India - International Institute Of NLP. We certificate through ANLP (India) which stands for the Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (India). ANLP (India) is the premier standards settings organisation in India. The ANLP (India) was established more than ten years ago by Anjali Dubey an international Master Trainer of NLP. It is an all-embracing members organisation with many thousands of members. Basic membership is and always will be FREE and all people with an interest in NLP are welcome to join.

Joining ANLP (India) is very simple and you can join by going to ANLP (India)’s website at www.anlp.in

ANLP (India), unlike many other NLP organisations, is available to everybody regardless of their level of qualifications or area of residence. There are two main levels of membership basic or verified. On the basic level, you are just known as a member at whatever level of training you state you are. The procedure for membership as a verified member requires you to have certification at the level you are or have joined. There is a facility for you to upload your certificate(s) for verification, a very simple procedure.

There are various Membership Classifications of ANLP(India) as follows:

Basic Member: Free member who may or may not have any NLP qualifications.
Diploma Level: Member having undergone training at Diploma Level.
Practitioner: Member having undergone training at Practitioner Level.
Verified Practitioner: Member having undergone training at Practitioner Level through an ANLP(India) recognized training organisation or who has undergone a formal ANLP verification process.
Master Practitioner: Member having undergone training at Master Practitioner Level.
Verified Master Practitioner: Member having undergone training at Master Practitioner Level through an ANLP(India) recognized training organisation or who has undergone a formal ANLP verification process.
Trainer: Member having undergone training at Trainers Training Level.
Verified Trainer: Member having undergone training at Trainers Training Level through an ANLP(India) recognized training organisation or who has undergone a formal ANLP verification process.
Master Trainer: Member having undergone training at Master Training Level.
Verified Master Trainer: Member having undergone training and been recognized by an ANLP(India) peer review as being of high quality and justified to being recognized as a Master Trainer the highest level available.

There are also three divisions of ANLP (India) as follows:
• NLP Coaching
• NLP Psychotherapy

Each of these sections of divisions has their own web pages which can be entered through the ANLP Website.

There are also two paid levels of membership as follows:

Silver Level – INR 1000 per annum
At this level, in addition to the Basic FREE Level, your details will be returned in all public searches. Therefore the public can verify your status as an ANLP (India) member.

Gold Level - INR 5000 per annum
All the advantages of Silver plus:
Appear at the top of the lists from searches (above silver level with other golds).
Ability to add your program to front page scrolling list.
Web link on your details page link to your own page.
Advertising opportunities.