Personal and one to one sessions also available. Company training and development along with diagnosis and conflict management services are also available. Contact us here:
Mind is the most powerful tool we have. We do not understand mind properly neither have we used it wisely and that is the root cause of all the problems in our life. When we get up in the morning, whi...
Training is one of the most interesting profession, where you gets to interact with many people, you get chance to change their lives, you yourself can learn and grow in the process.These days there a...
Named after Milton Erickson, a famous American psychiatrist, who was extensively modelled by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the creators of NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming. Erickson alway...
We all want to be an achiever in our own way, our reasons and perspective can be different from one another but we want to be the best in whichever field we are in. Some of us worry about our intellig...
Confidence starts when you learn to like yourself, when you start liking yourself, you start improving yours life as well as lives of people around you. This is what NLP does to you; A NLP certificati...