Personal and one to one sessions also available. Company training and development along with diagnosis and conflict management services are also available. Contact us here:
We are living in a world that is ever changing. The lives of the people are changing just with the blink of the eye, with the globalization the line between need and greed changing so fast that it has...
Business is something that needs constant attention, focus, innovation, good team members, lots of motivation and patience. While starting a new business people generally remains excited and do stuffs...
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP in short form comprises of three tools that we have since our birth within our body. Neurology, Language and Programming; these three components define this term NL...
Top NLP Training Courses in India are undertaken by NLP Goa under the auspices of ANLP (India). NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. ANLP (India) is the Association of NLP (India) and is the s...
NLP Training in Pune is carried out by International Institute Of NLPan established NLP training company based in Mumbai. NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming a new psychology of communications.Interna...